Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are Google Paid Search ads?
A. Google Paid Search – previously called AdWords, presents your business under the search box on the Google search page. You can advertise your business and website listing at or near the top of the Google search results that apply to your business. Our program initially utilizes the Google Paid Search to advertise your business to potential customers searching for your products or services.
Q. How do Google Paid Search ads work?
A. When someone types something into Google they are presented a list of Search Engine Results based on Google’s closest match to the words typed. The results appear under the search box, with Paid Search Ads at the top. You will see a little box with the word “AD” to indicate that it’s a paid search result. So, if someone types, “Hydraulic Hose
Repair Near Me”, your paid ad will appear if you are located in the target area and have indicated that those key words represent your best customer.
Q. Doesn’t PIRTEK USA already do Google Paid Search for our business? A. PIRTEK USA uses Google Paid Search and other digital advertising strategies to build the brand nationally, make customers aware of PIRTEK and its services, and to drive traffic to the location pages. Our corporate program is targeted to regions that exist in a 25- mile radius of our existing locations. The current PIRTEK USA budgets, don’t meet the recommended investment for each location so it is strongly urged to supplement the corporate programs with your own local Goggle Paid Search campaign. The local
program will be targeted specifically in your service area and will focus your budget on customers near your business.
Q. How are the keywords and ad content selected for the local campaigns? A. PIRTEK USA corporate has already engaged its agency and advertising advisors to conduct research using Google’s tools and actual market data to select the keywords that are working best for franchisees’ businesses. Our program is designed to start with those words and to assess the performance of the keywords, ad content, targeting and budget allocations periodically to make sure we’re maximizing the return on investment.
Q. How is the budget allocated?
A. Initially, the budget will be allocated to both set-up and administrative fees as well as placement for the Google media. The cost of presenting an ad may vary based on your location, the number of other businesses advertising using similar ad words and other factors related to your specific market. The percentage of your budget that is applied to media placement or administration is based on the total amount of your monthly budget. That is, the greater the monthly budget, the smaller the percentage that is applied to administration. Your budget is divided equally over the days of the month. The minimum budget for the program is $400 per month per location. Please note, our recommendation for Tier One locations is a $500/month investment or more.
Q. Will my business be the first listed on a Google Search?
A. Position on the Google Search page can never be guaranteed as it depends on what others are bidding for the same position. Generally, it’s important to be on the first page and the corporate program has already achieved a lot in getting PIRTEK USA listed prominently in most areas
Q. How do I sign up?
A. You can complete the hard copy forms in the program sign-up package and/or you will be able to access these forms and sign-up online on PIRTEK USA’s FranConnect portal. Once
the program sign up package is completed, please send the forms to:
Q. What if I have other questions?
A. Twice monthly we will conduct a video conference to answer questions and provide additional information regarding the program and how we can work together to generate more leads for your business. You will receive an invitation to those calls as a participating franchisee. You can also email and we’ll respond within 24 hours M-F.